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Welcome to the 2024
Composers' House Cup!

We're so glad to have you participating in this year's House Cup competition!


This year, the winning House will be the one with the most points per participating student! That means that even if your House has fewer students earning points, you still have a chance to win!

You could also earn a prize for being the highest point earner in your House!

Download worksheets here, watch for them on our social media, or pick them up at the front entrance to the Academy!

You can return sheets & slips to the Academy, or email us a pic at

Weekly Worksheets


Week Two


Week One

Week Three


Week Four


Week Five


Composer Excerpts

Click on your composer below to download a short music excerpt you can play for House Cup points! Then you can perform it for your teacher or share a video of your performance with us on social media!

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